Thursday, July 30, 2009

A sad day

Well, we finally did it. About 4 years ago (maybe 3), Ryan caught a lizard in the yard. Jerry (or Gerri, we don't know which) found a home. Okay, seriously, how long could a little Leopard Gecko lizard live in captivity? Well, kind of like the question of how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop? 4 years for us. Earlier this year, as I was paying 10 cents per cricket (times 30), which we have been doing on a bi-monthly basis, a young woman asked me about what I was feeding. Long story short, she has had her little lizard for 12 years and is going strong. I didn't think that was a good idea so we set a date in the sand and started working on Ryan. As the so often told story goes, Ryan really didn't do anything for Jerry/Gerri until we reminded him (Ryan, give your lizard some water, etc.) . In addition, since I got done with first semester of summer school, I have been on a tear "simplifying" my life. The fish are gone and now so is the lizard. Ryan was a little upset but he got over it by swimming, sans clothes, in G and G's pool. Oh, the lizard is in G and G's backyard, living with whatever other lizards and other wildlife are back there. He could not go into our backyard due to the lizard killers we have that wander the house and backyard looking for anything that might move (aka, Homer and Kyra, the killer beagles). Ginger, our foster beagle, really doesn't have that trait in her and for the most part, just kind of looks at Homer and Kyra like they are crazy. Although, speaking of Homer and Ginger, Ginger has this odd trait. Frequently, she will walk up to Homer and lick him in a place that no respectable guy is going to complain about. In fact, he will, on occasion, complain when she stops too soon. She had this trait before moving in with us.

I have just signed up for my third class this semester. Yes, I only have 4 classes left. No, I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for it other than it is an evening class and thus, will not interfere with my work schedule and yes, it will just leave me with 1 class in the Spring so I can graduate next May. It will have been a long 3 years (or will I look back on it as a short time?) but I will be happy when I have completed this marvelous goal. Of course, what will I do after that? That is too far in the future to think about. A master's program might be a possibility but still not sure.

Kellie has agreed to let me pick out new living room curtains as she detests the thought of it but feels that it is time for new ones. I politely explained to her, after she tried to tell me what I could not get, that she could either tell me what to do or how to do it but not both. I see royal purple velvet curtains in my future. Along with honey colored bathrooms. Would anyone like to take my wife away for a weekend? Oh, and life is short. If I want something royal purple in my house, then so be it.

Both Isabelle and Ryan have decided that they want to live on campus when they go to college. This is a switch for Isabelle since she has previously stated that she doesn't have any intention on leaving home and planned to take all of her classes online. Ryan, on the other hand, feels that living away from home for college might be pretty good. In addition, he was completely jazzed when I informed him that he could request to live with his best friend.


Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

Sorry about the lizard! we have one we can give I don't know about the royal purple curtains would have to see the surrounding decor.... as for school they probably would really enjoy BYU great surroundings and a lot of

Tracy & Kellie said...

I am sure that BYU is an excellent school. Unfortunately, don't you have to be an upstanding person of the faith to actually get the degree? Case in point - there was a guy that did a "Missionary Calendar" (I think that is what it was called) where the missionaries were shirtless (some of them) and yes, the calendar was wrong, but the school chose not to give him his degree. Personally, go to a public school where you can get your degree even if you do something that is tasteless.