Sunday, October 5, 2008

I voted

Okay, I have voted. I, like most people that I have spoken to, are tired of the election. I am also sick and tired of our elected officials in Washington (all of them) that do nothing for us and have made a complete mess of things. I think that I voted for no incumbents, to my knowledge. The bill passed this past Friday was a huge debacle. Seriously, giving money to Nascar? How is that going to get us out of this current economic mess that we are in? I would highly encourage you to write your congressman(woman) to let them know how happy you are with their performance. My congressman (Jeff Flake) in the house voted against the bill. I wrote to thank him for that. I heard that congress is down to, quite possibly, single digits in approval ratings right now. Let's vote to let them know how happy we are with their perfomance.

And while I am thinking about it, write your representatives in Washington to let them you know you want a balanced budget. Plain and simple. I would also like to see a line item veto (for whomever gets into office) but in my research, the Supreme Court has ruled (back when Bill Clinton was in office) that the line item veto was unconstitutional. We, as voters, can change that. And I personally believe that we can get enough people in the country to approve that.

Remember, you can't complain if you don't vote.

I would also like to thank the one person that personally apologized to me for voting for President Bush in the last election (RD - and I know you read the blog) and I truly accept your apology. I am waiting for everyone else to do the same.


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