Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dunkin' Donuts

Earlier this year, the Dunkin' Donuts near us closed for "a makeover." After a long wait, they reopened yesterday and let me be the first one to say, how disappointing.

Let me digress. Isabelle woke up yesterday morning in a good mood. It is rare for her as she likes to sleep in (earlier this week we, again, had the discussion of why school had to be in the morning and not the afternoon). Anyway, upon waking, her first question to me was when we were going to have donuts again. She was excited to know that it was going to be today and then proceeded to tell me that she dreamt about donuts. Both kids love long johns (well, Izzy loves most donuts) and they didn't have any. They had eclairs, but that is not the same. For those that are interested, for $16 you can get a dozen donuts ($7.99), 25 munchkins ($4.99), and two bagels (not toasted, no cream cheese, 99 cents each).

Krispy Kreme recently re-opened out here and while they are a bit further, I enjoy them more. That is what Ryan wants for his birthday snack at school so, being the dutiful dad, I will bring his class Krispy Kreme donuts. It will be right before lunch so they can run off all that sugar.


Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I say stick to the grocery store donuts they are much cheaper and more convenant to get too. this will be fun.

Tracy & Kellie said...

The kids don't like store donuts and to be perfectly honest, I would rather go without than have store donuts.

Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

Come on I want some more news! I think i would just stick to Krispy Kremes! how is everyone doing? Come on Kelly I wanna see some pictures! first day of school

Jennifer S said...

Thanks for the tip that Dunkin Donuts re-opened, though I wish they had all you wanted. Krispy Kreme is my first choice, and it's probably good that they're farther away from here. God help me if they ever open one around the corner.