Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Husbandly Duty

Okay, so I have done my husbandly duty. No, get your mind out of the gutter. I finally took my wife to see "New Moon." All in all, it was decent. I don't think that Kristen and Robert can act very well (but in all fairness, they do a better job than I would). And of course, both "Edward" and "Jacob" spent half of the movie with their shirts off, which was good for the women at the movie. Besides the bad acting of Kristen/Bella, where she spent almost all of the movie crying over her "one true love," I did get to see "Alice" who is just adorable.

Which brings me to the following. I was one of 5 guys in the theater. No problem. The problem was behind us. We had to deal with three girls talking through the first half of the movie. Also, a girl almost directly behind us was coughing and all other things associated with a bad cold directly behind me. And all I could think about was "go home - you are going to make us healthy ones sick." Oh, and Merry Christmas.

Kellie did take the babysitter home and I was cleaning up. There was a chair from the playroom in the living room. I picked up the blanket and out fell handcuffs. And there was rope tied around the chair. I am not sure exactly what happened but everyone seemed happy so I am not going to ask.

The beagles are getting new collars for Christmas. And, they got rawhide chews, of which they are already working on. Homer eats his right away. Kyra hides it. This time, we thought it was under the Christmas tree but no, she hid it in our bed under the pillows. Alrighty then.

Tomorrow, Christmas Eve, 2009, the Senate votes on health care reform. All I can say is 1) everyone agrees that it needs to happen and 2) hopefully the government hasn't screwed it up too bad.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


It seems like my life has been on hold for the past four months. Well, a little bit longer, but really just this past semester. Yes, I work full time, I go the kids events, I am involved with my family (which I am eternally grateful for - I know several fathers/mothers that are not involved and while that is bad for the child, it is also bad for the parent. How does that old song go, Cats in the cradle and the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man on the moon. When you coming home dad/son, I don't know when, but we'll get together then). I have turned in my senior project, ready to turn in my last writing class assignment and I have one final left before I have a month off. I can't help but hear my wife in my head, from the beginning of the semester, "are you sure you should take three classes and not just two?" She was right. I should have taken two. But, I am almost through it. All I need are C's in the classes but I should do better. Who knows, maybe I will be taking more than one class next semester....

So, I am starting to feel normal now. Yes, a relative term as what is normal for me is not normal for anyone else. I have a mess on my desk that I need to clean up. I put up my white tree with purple lights and ornaments in the front window for all to see as they drive up the street. We went minimalism on the lights this year outside. Just three strands of C9's on the eave of the house. I will start soon on finishing up the Christmas gift I started making several years ago for my family. They are getting it this year and I hope they like it.

All this leads me to the fact that I popped in on my Sister-In-Law's blog this evening. I can't believe that they have been married 29 years. And although I lived through it, I thoroughly enjoyed their story that she posted. I suggest to all that you jump over and read it. Maybe I am pretty sappy but I love stories about how married people met. And you know, I have never heard my brother's side of the story. Maybe I will ask when I am at their house this Christmas. He is a man a few words.

She also posted on what was probably her annual review and it gave me pause. After dinner this evening (french onion tartlets and celery with pimento cheese), Kellie and I spoke about how our lives have changed, specifically in relation to my work. Her exact comment - "I am so glad you didn't go to work for ......" and I had to agree. Had I gone to work for them, I never would have grown like I did. I never would have gone back to school to get my degree. I also would never have become more technically proficient. I also would not have grown as a person as I have in the past several years. And I never would have met the wonderful people that I have in the past 36 months. My life is much fuller now than it was several years ago and for that, I am grateful.

You see, I am one of these people that believe that things happen for a reason. We just don't always happen to know what the reason is at the time. Eventually, we will find out. "In due time" as they say. As my dermatologist was cutting a chunk of flesh out of my face, we were discussing Captain Chesley Sullenberger who spent his entire life preparing for that one fateful flight that did not end as it was scheduled to but did end as it was supposed to (with no loss of life). I would have to say that I believe he changed everyone's life that day.

There are few hero's in life and as you get older, realize that there are fewer still. Although I cannot say that I am glad about what the Wood's family is currently going through, I would like to take the opportunity to point out that nobody is perfect, no matter what the appearance happens to be.

One think I have come to know is that I hate doing nothing. I consistently need to feel challenged, whether I look like it or not. Now don't get me wrong and don't take it personal. Should I have the winning lottery numbers dump in my lap I will take it and then follow thru on my promise to my boss twice a week that I am retiring on Monday/Thursday. Just don't ever feel that I will stop doing something.

With that, I am off to watch the news and prepare for yet another week of challenges.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey day is over

Well, turkey day is over. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you took the time to think about all that you are thankful for. I have discussed it before so I am not going to belabor the part. I will try to bring everyone up to date currently though. We did indeed go to Disneyland last weekend. We had a wonderful time as a family. I would also like to thank our friends that watched our kids so we could ride California Screamin'. Kellie and I really enjoy our roller coasters and this one was pretty good.

Come to find out, we almost didn't make it back. We had no instrumentation but we did have lights, brake lights, turn signal and a speedometer. So, I made the decision to make the drive back. We even stopped in Blythe for gas. We all thought it was a fuse but that was not the case. Apparently, the ignition switch needed to be replaced and some spilt battery acid ate through some wires. So, there you go. God must have been with us for sure.

This past Wednesday, our 12 year old fridge decided to stop working, for a few hours. It started back up but that was enough for me. You see, the light hasn't worked in the fridge for years and for longer than that, it was making a clunking noise when it turns off (compressor in sealed unit sits on springs and when the springs go out......). Anyway, black Friday fridge got delivered yesterday. And for everyone that is following one of us on Facebook, it has been 24 hours now and Homer has not figured out how to get the fridge open, like he does with the upstairs fridge.

As far as school and the remaining assignments: 1 final in Business Law, 2 assignments for technical writing and just finish my final paper and bound it for senior project. Hoping to knock out all except for the Business Law final (I have to wait on the teacher for that).

If I don't speak to you, for whatever reason, I hope that this holiday season finds you well. T

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Random Disneyland Pictures

As we get ready planning our next trip to Disneyland in November, I thought I would post more of the August pictures. Yes, Disneyland in 3.5 months. We LOVED our last visit and Isabelle's dance class performs in Disney California Adventure, so how can we not go? We could say "no" but come on....And we get to celebrate two of our friends birthdays while there too! Bonus!
Looking forward to more fun in November!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Things I will not miss after May 13th

A real brief post tonight about things that I have experienced since going back to school that I will not miss. In no particular order:
  • people who talk all the way through class disrupting and annoying those of us that are there to actively participate in class (seriously, it took everything bit of will power I had to not turn around and tell him to shut up)
  • people who do participate in class but talk to hear themselves talk (okay, this one just isn't school)
  • the person who chooses to sit next to me every class that this is his first semester in the United States and thus, I need to explain American Business Law, all the while missing what the professor is talking about
  • people who show up to class in pajamas
  • people who show up to class in see through dresses (falls under the category of TMI, along with the next observation)
  • I don't want to know what your choice of undergarments happen to be. Enough said.
  • just because you choose to not come to class, don't e-mail me right before the exam asking for my notes
  • don't surf the internet during the middle of class. Truly, it is a waste of your time to be in class and you may be disrupting others.
  • most professors are so easy that it is almost criminal. With that in mind, if the professor gets up in front of class right before the exam and tells you everything that you could possibly need to know to pass the exam (including "you don't need to know that"), don't go up to him/her after the exam and argue the essay question when you didn't answer the question. As my professor says, "I ask the questions. Your job is to answer them - not change the question for your answer."
I am guessing that times have not changed that much and while I probably would have tolerated it 15 years ago, I choose not to now.

Two interesting things I learned this week. My son's female friend (side note - we were taking her home the other night and he made his sister move so he could sit next to her) has already had banana creme brulee (I am just going to have to try that one) and my son's teacher that is 30 (complete guess) has never had creme brulee before (she was going to eat it before class this morning - I told her that was not a good idea).

And with that, it has already been a long week, I am tired and going to bed.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

200 days, 100 degrees and fried squirrel

I am going to start off my post with 200 days. We all know that Christmas is only a few short weeks away (about 9 or so) so I must be referencing graduation. Two years ago, I started back on my quest to finally get my degree. I should have done it a long time ago but, I didn't. So, in 200 days, I finally graduate. Of course, only if I pass my current classes. So much to do, so little time to do it in.

I am not sure how many of you readers out there are in touch with people from other parts of the country. I talk to people in all time zones every day of the week (and no, I am not a telemarketer). We all know that it is the middle of October and it is 100 degrees here in Arizona. The lovely wife and I actually started our Christmas shopping yesterday. For the record, we are now half way done. But while we were doing the mad dash last night, going from store to store, we noticed that at 7 pm it was still 99 degrees outside. Has anyone besides me noticed that while we have been pretty warm right now, the rest of the country has had a terrible time with it? I have had several customers tell me what a short summer they had - their weather was so bad this summer. So, while we had warm weather and they have bad weather - is it just me and my aging process that I am noticing it now? I will not go so far as to say that global warming etc. but I am just pondering.

The kids survived this past week. Kind of touch and go late this week. It seems everyone went somewhere except us so my kids were kind of bored. Ryan had two teeth pulled and Isabelle has two teeth that are ready to fall out - they just don't want to. Grandpa is just dying to help her out with the process.

Tried a new recipe this evening from Rachel Ray. Gorgonzola stuffed meat. I say meat since the recipe called for pork but since my wife doesn't care for pork roast, I used a thin cut sirloin steak. It was really good if I say so myself. Do a google search on Rachel Ray Gorgonzola Stuffed Pork.

I have a paper to revise this evening so I am going to go soon but I want to leave you with this one thought. It seems that my wife was a little trouble for the nuns growing up in school. I don't ask and just accept it. Some things are better off not knowing. Anyway, the nuns were old country/farm girls and so my father-in-law would go out and shoot squirrels and fry them up for the nuns. Pretty much bribery as I understand it. Well, school progress evaluations are this Tuesday. Isabelle and I are making white chocolate creme brulees Monday evening. I plan to take them with for the parent-teacher conferences. I am not sure that they need it as I am sure that they are angels but you never know when you will need that little extra - know what I mean?

As always, I hope this finds everyone in good health.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

What a mess

So my brother-in-law decided to do some lawn maintenance. Sounds like a good idea. I have never aerated this lawn and we have been here 6 years. So, he rented the aerator, was here at 7 am with it. Of course, I did not soak my lawn yesterday and should have. I will remember for next time. I also don't have a big lawn but did my best to chunk it up. Of course, Homer Jay spent a good time following me barking at the machine as it chunked up the yard. Kyra enjoyed digging her nose in the dirt looking for some sort of bugs.

We then took it to my brother-in-law's house and made quick work of that yard. So far, so good. Once the aerator was returned, I went to get some grass seed (yes, we plant grass out here in Arizona - doesn't that say something?) and steer manure. About half way home, Ryan figured out what steer manure is.

Still, so far, so good. Went to throw out the grass seed and both Homer Jay and Kyra Sue (beagles should all have two names) decided to help. They were helping by letting me throw it on them while they walked around the lawn. Much like how bees pollinate. Still, so far, so good. Now it comes time to do the manure ($1 per bag, 10 bags please).

Once I started throwing out the manure, then the fun started. As it seems, dogs have a tendency to like things that smell. I have seen theories why but truly, does it matter? So, just as they helped out with the grass seed, they helped out with the manure. In addition, they decided it might be pretty tasty. And then, they started rolling in it. This is where the mess comes in. Of course, I watered just after I threw down the grass seed. Now, with the manure, it was a pretty sight.

The kids went to get the leashes and to put in the dog door. Of course, they thought they were going for a walk, which got them very excited. They were not too excited when I started hosing them down outside, with the leash on so they wouldn't go anywhere.

Now, I just have to get a shower and do the floors as there are dirty paw prints everywhere.

Hope this finds everyone in good health.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

2094 songs, lemon cheesecake, John Kyl and Jesus Lives

I have 2,094 songs on my iPod. I have a very eclectic playlist ranging from The Priests and The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo to Garth Brooks, The Beastie Boys, Frank Sinatra and Elvis (what self respecting person would not have some Elvis on their iPod?). So, when at work and I get some uninterrupted time to actually work, I typically put the iPod on shuffle. Several weeks ago, I made the conscious decision to actually just let it shuffle until I actually went through all 2,094 songs. The last song played today and it was a comedy bit by Frank Calliendo. One of the last songs to play was from one of the best albums from the 70's - Supertramp's Breakfast in America. The young lady (22 y/o) that asked me what I was listening to asked who it was. After I told her, she still had no clue who they were. It was not the first time that I just shook my head this week. I will be the first to admit that 22 y/o's can be cute but just knowing that she had no clue reminded me of why I am happy to be married. Love you dear wife!

I recently made lemon cheesecake because it sounded good. I thought it was too lemony. My in-laws told me that they liked it but I think they were just being nice (for the record - if I ask for your honest opinion about my cooking, give it to me. Otherwise, I won't learn). I was talking to a different co-worker about it (she is culinary trained) and she made some suggestions. She also pointed out that 1/2 cup of lemonade concentrate is not the same as 1 can of lemonade concentrate. I don't know if I actually used a full can but that would make sense why it was so lemony. I made the ingredients for Lemon Curd Tartlets and Chocolate Ganache Tarts. I plan on taking it to Block Party tomorrow night (happens every Friday evening now that the weather is below 100). Kellie is making tomato pie - another favorite recipe.

In case you missed it, there is a woman in the south that recently got arrested. Apparently, she had a cardboard box that did not fit in the mini-van so she put it on top of the van. She then secured it with a wire hangar. Just for added security that it won't fly off of the van while she was travelling down the highway, she had her 13 year old girl in the box. It goes beyond belief and I cannot find the words. I guess you can say that I am speechless.

Again in case you missed it (and it is quite possible you did as I almost missed it and I try to stay up on these things) but here is a link about our Senator Kyl in action. I passed it on to some women that I know, including my lovely wife. Her comment was "jerk." I will say that I understand what he is saying but come on, think about what you are saying. One last thought on the subject (see previous post about health care) but here is the issue at its core. Essentially, John Kyl doesn't feel the need to require insurance companies to provide maternity care and before you comment, please read the article in the link and watch the video. No matter what you feel about the health care debate, here is what it comes down to. If it passes, we will be required to carry health insurance. If the insurance companies don't have to pay for maternity benefits (and I assume that this is prenatal care through the delivery), then there will be people and companies that will not offer it. So there will be people that will not have it, typically those that need it (the young and lower economic category). Also, we all know that prevention is the key and everyone does agree on the benefit of prenatal care for a pregnant mother and her unborn child, wouldn't it be cheaper in the long run to have maternity care than not? It boggles the mind. Feel free to let Senator Kyl know how you feel. Our great Senators at work.

I was working with a customer this week. In order to resolve their issue, their computer password was "made public," so to speak (don't worry, the customer changed it immediately after the issue was resolved). Anyway, the password was "JesusLives." About all that came to mind (and I did not speak this) was "Yes. Yes, he does."

So, it was a week of being speechless. I am about halfway through the semester, as the crow flies. I look forward to this semester being over and then starting my last class in January. I will say that I am actually enjoying my Business Law class. My professor has an interesting take on "stuff" and makes it interesting. Of course, I will say that the bar was set pretty low for 100 people classes one evening per week but at least I have not seen anyone show up in pajamas or a see through dress - yet. Note to people that choose not to show up to class - don't e-mail me right before the test asking for the notes. If you choose not to show up to class, then you need to figure it out.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Health Care

It has been a few weeks since I have written. So much has gone but it also seems as nothing has gone on. I am well into my school this year. Lots of stuff to do, of course, getting A's but I am not stressing about it this semester (not that I did previously). I am happy to get a C but I am not working for a C. As always, I will do my absolute best and hope I get an A. So far, so good.

The kids are back into the swing of things. Religious Education is on, scouts for both kids (I am working on updating their website), Ryan is playing the cello and Isabelle is very much into her dance. Dance is definitely her thing, at present.

I try not to get political in here. What is it that you are not supposed to talk about in mixed company, sex, money, religion and politics? Okay, staying neutral on all subjects. But, what I will say is that no matter how you feel about the issue on health care, please let your Congressmen know about it. I think most people agree that something needs to be done with it. The biggest expense of hiring someone, outside of actual salary, is health care.

I am not going to say what I feel should be done about it, mostly because it is a complicated issue and I don't know it all. But, we do pay these people in Washington, D.C. lots of money to try to figure it out. I did write all of my Congressmen and tell them that I was tired of the bipartisan fighting on both sides of the aisle. We are all adults and one thing we learn as adults is that you are not going to get all that you want. Try to find a middle ground that you can work towards. Why is that so hard to understand?

Just for the sake of fun (and also because I believe in it), I put in that I felt that Congress should be held accountable to what they do. What I mean by this is, they should have the same health care plan that we have. I also think that they should have the same retirement plan that we have but that is another story.

John McCain wrote me back a lengthy letter and if I get enough response, I will be glad to post the entire letter (or just e-mail me and I will send it to you). I am going to post one paragraph of his lengthy letter (and I was quite impressed with the letter, by the way).

"I was also a strong proponent of an amendment that would have required Members of Congress to participate in the proposed public health plan if one is enacted into law. If the health care reform legislation that is being considered becomes law, it would force millions of people to give up their current forms of health care coverage and participate in the government run program. I believe that Members of Congress cannot expect these individuals to participate in this new public program if they are not willing to enroll themselves and their families in the same program."

Now, I don't know if the present health care plan (and what is the "present health care plan"????) would force millions of people to give up their current forms of health care coverage but at least he is asking for Congress to abide by what they put into place.

You can check WebMD for their position on it or try Fact Check as I think both of them are non-partisan and may give us some truth. We know that both sides are probably not telling the entire truth.

Anyway, I highly encourage you to write your Congressmen and let them know how you feel. It is about time that they started working for us and not just for themselves.

Now, back to work for me.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I am looking forward to Labor Day......2010

As I sit here at the computer, I think about how nice my life is at this present time. Both kids are young enough to be at home (and not in the teenage years, yet), and both my wife and I are at home. You see, Kellie has been working a lot of weekends and so it is a rare treat when we are all home together. You see, I know to cherish this from reading my sister-in-law's blog whose children are all grown, although not all out of the house.

I will frequently comment on my school and I am sure that we can all surmise that this is due to the fact that it such a big thing in my life right now, for good or bad. My comment in regards to this post is that I am looking forward to Labor Day 2010 (that is next year for those of us that can be calendar challenged). My explanation for this is that I can't rest. Knowing that my next class deadline is looming ahead of me, even if I am completely caught up on all of my school work. Technically, I am caught up. I have homework due on Wednesday, Friday and the ever all important Senior Project (which will be completely easy, as long as I can figure out what to do).

Speaking of Senior Project, I wish to thank everyone for whatever support you have given me in this project so far, whether that support be ideas or just emotional support. A lot of you have given me good ideas that I need to research and see if it will work. There is one project that I read that surveyed 20 local churches and their use of online donations and then just tabulate the data and come to some conclusions. Of course, the comment that I love the best is "I so remember my senior project so much that I finally gave up on it and did an internship instead." I vaguely remember down at University of Arizona in the early 90's that we either had to do an internship or a senior project. Here, we have to do both. So, with that, I am very much looking forward to my senior project, whatever the topic happens to be.

Back to school and rest: I don't know why but I cannot rest. It goes so far as I limit my activities while school is in session. I did the rare instance of playing poker and I actually had a shot of whiskey at the game. Now, it isn't like I drink a lot anyways. I would occasionally have a drink, maybe 1 drink every other month or so, rarely would have 2 and never more than that.

Maybe I can't rest due the fact that I place a much higher importance on school than I did when I was younger. You won't find me talking during class to my classmate about things that don't pertain to the topic at hand (I have always hated that). You also won't find me wearing pajamas to class (which I witnessed last Spring). You also will find me completely repulsed when a classmate shows up in class with a see-through dress (which I also witnessed last Spring).

Side note: This led to an interesting question of, should I tell the person or not? Here are the facts: 100 person lecture class, of which about 30 of us showed up on a regular basis. There was no personal interaction between the students, so a true lecture class. I did not speak to her once during this class. I will also throw in that this was one of those that the dress did not appear to be see-through and was only see-through when "stretched" such as when bending over to pick something up or when sitting down. I was almost as appalled to think that nobody told this young woman that her dress was see through, although I did not mention it myself to her. It was also quite evident that this is what she wore to work as she always showed up in nice clothes that one would wear to work as if she was a saleswoman.

Anyway, I look forward to next Labor Day when I won't have the prospect of school looming over my head not allowing me to completely relax.

Off topic note: I ended up watching part of the Ted Kennedy funeral last weekend. Politics aside, I did enjoy the full Catholic funeral with all of the pomp and circumstance that was displayed. Of course, Ted Kennedy was quite a polarizing individual. You either loved or hated him and there were not many that met in the middle on that. He was responsible for the death of a young woman, thrown out of Harvard twice, admitted three times (how does that happen? and what does that say about Harvard? come to your own conclusions on that one). He was a drunk and a womanizer. He also was responsible for the American with Disabilities act. He worked for the opportunity for every American to have health care. He attended Mass daily yet he disagreed with the Church on abortion and never allowed his faith to change his mind on that. It was during his funeral that I found out that he used a bible passage as his guidance for his career in politics. The passage was the one about "I was thirsty and you gave me drink, naked and you clothed me, etc." It was also after his death that we find out that there wasn't a day that went by that he did not think about Mary Jo and her death that he was responsible for. And so although I did not approve of how he behaved at times during his life, I will look forward to reading his memoir. If anything, I am hoping it will give me an insight into this polarizing figure in American history.

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's a wonder

I have a neighbor that would rather poke a sharp stick in her eye than go to the bank to have something notarized. Now I don't feel that way about much but I am starting to understand. You see, this afternoon I went to the post office.

I have long felt that one way for the post office to save money is to stop Saturday delivery. In this day and age, the only thing that actually comes in the mail is junk mail and bills. Just think of the benefits. Less people to staff, less vehicles on the road, it is a win/win situation. But my point about all of this is that I am really starting to dislike the post office. I got there at 5 minutes before they closed with 12 people in front of me. So what happened in that time that I was standing there? 2 of the 3 people working the front counter left. Somehow, I don't think that would work out too well at my place of employment. Where is the customer service?

I needed to send a book back to an individual that tried to sell me a 4th edition poor excuse of a textbook as a 5th edition in excellent condition. I am sending it back to her after she refunded my money. Anyway, the envelope that I picked (cheaper than the box) was $15 to ship but the box was $10 to ship. What sense is that? I would have been better off going to FedEx or UPS, which I probably will do next time.

All of that leads me to this, when will the airlines finally realize that the reason people aren't flying is not just because of the economy but because they treat their customers like crap? Personally, I have not stepped foot on a plane in over 2 years. It isn't because I don't want to go anywhere because I could probably name off at least a dozen places without thinking about it that I would like to go to tomorrow. But I won't. And I won't because I refuse to pay that money to be treated poorly.

While I am on the subject, lately (say, the last 6 months or so), I get the impression that I am paying more but getting less at fast food joints. The biscuits used to be bigger at Churches. The fries at McDonald's used to have more in them. Guess what, I notice and my doctor wants me to quit that stuff anyway. So, with that in mind, I am eating out less.

It isn't that I am wanting any special treatment. Just treat me like you value my business.

I have a choice and I choose to vote with my wallet. You won't hear much from me unless I get exceptionally poor service. But if I get poor service, just know that you won't hear from me.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Programming Note

I just wanted to put this out there for all readers. Isabelle's dance troupe has been invited to perform at Disneyland/California Adventure on Saturday, November 21st. I don't know all of the specifics and won't know for another several weeks, including on whether we will be going or not. We would like to go and I suspect that we are probably 70% sure that we will be going. It is also my understanding that Disneyland does their Christmas decorations (including snow) starting on November 16th so this gives you a good excuse to go. The performance will be a 30 minute performance and my wife told me that there are several of Ryan's classmates in this class (sounds like a big group but this is a class where "no parents are allowed").

Anyway, if you are interested in joining us, please send my wife or I an e-mail and we will put you on our notification list.

Yesterday was Ryan's birthday and we may be rained out for the waterpark today which is a bummer as we have such a good time when we go.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Words of Wisdom

I just wanted to follow up to my last post. My brother sent me the following regarding my mother:
1) She told me the reason she helped people was she hoped that if one of her kids where somewhere and needed help she hoped that someone would help them.
2) She also told me that just because someone else had different religous belief it didn't mean that hers was right and theirs was wrong, i guess that could go for a lot of different kinds of beliefs

So, thank you to my brother for filling in those words of wisdom from my mother.

Personally, what I find important is to treat others as you want to be treated, you know, the Golden Rule (and not "he who has the gold makes the rules").

And so with that in mind, I am going to enjoy my last weekend of freedom for a while. You see, school starts up next Monday. And more importantly, Ryan finally hits double digits on Friday (that would be 10).

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How Time Flies

As I sit here pondering where the summer has gone, my mind starts to wander. I have had about a month off of school and I start back again in about a week from now. I have only 4 classes left, 3 of which I am taking this semester. I am not going to gripe/whine about these next 4 months of hard work as I know that I am almost done with this endeavor. And so, as I sit here, I ponder the past two years and think, where did it all go? I took a lot of classes and enjoyed most of them but for the most part, just went along thinking about finishing this class to move on to my next one, a step in this journey, so to speak.

And as I think about this, I can't help but think about all else that is in my life. I have a wonderful wife and two wonderful kids. My son turns ten in about a week. Where did that come from? He can't possibly be ten. And while he will be ten, he just started 4th grade. I remember my 4th grade well. It was the year that my mother married my step-father and we moved to the east side of town and suddenly, a family of 15 (including mom and "dad" and let's not forget the "border Stan - may he continue to rest in peace" we had at the time) (editor's note: my mother was always bringing someone home to live with us that needed someplace to go. I never did discuss it with my mom but accepted it as life and as I look back on it, I am sure that she was acting as an angel on earth. I learned a lot from my mother and sadly, it wasn't until she passed that I truly figured it out.) My son can't possibly be ten since that was just a few short years ago. As with most parents, I remember the day clearly and it feels like it was just yesterday.

I also am left to ponder that the anniversary of my wife and I's first kiss (I know that I didn't word that right, but there you go). How many years ago was that? Okay, married in '97, so 15 years? That can't possibly be right. That also seems like it was just yesterday. And yes, for some reason, I remember the date of my first kiss with my wife. What does that say about me?

Of course, a lot has happened in the past 15 years. Marriage, children, numerous jobs and work experiences, the death of my mother and subsequent destruction of the entire family as a family unit. I still look back at the family getting together as a family and actually miss it when everyone was together. But, as we all know, time waits for no one and there are constantly changes.

As we get older, we are constantly reminded of our own mortality. We blink and the people that we knew are no longer there. So and so has cancer, or passed away or divorced or whatever else happens to people as time goes on. It makes me appreciate all that I have, coming full circle back to a loving wife, kids, and relatively good health (or so my doctor tells me).

And so I would like to leave you all with this much discussed thought but rarely considered: live life for today as you never know what will happen tomorrow. I promise to do my best to be the best father I can be to my kids, best husband for my wife, and a generally good person. I also must constantly remind myself to stop living for tomorrow and just enjoy today. I hope you try to do the same.

I know that was supposed to be my last comment but I have one more that I want to tell everyone. I made mousse for the first time this weekend. Not just any mousse, but White Chocolate Grand Marnier Mousse. It was a mixed response to be blunt, but everyone did like it. Some of us thought it was too much alcohol. Someone said that yes, it had a lot of alcohol but he likes it that way. Someone else, who is the first to complain about too much alcohol, loved it. So, I don't know. I will probably make it again but probably only for special requests (i.e. I probably will not make it for myself). Next on the list is a Lemon Cheesecake with Raspberry Coulis. When do raspberries go out of season?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Day of School!!!

First Day of school for my kids and their cousin. No one was real happy about having to get up early and get started, but all went well and we will see when it comes time for school to let out what their take on the new year is! Yeah, school!!!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


We are back from our WONDERFUL vaction to Disneyland! Got a TON of pictures to show off so I may end up boring you later with pictures!!! Here are just a few to get started!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A sad day

Well, we finally did it. About 4 years ago (maybe 3), Ryan caught a lizard in the yard. Jerry (or Gerri, we don't know which) found a home. Okay, seriously, how long could a little Leopard Gecko lizard live in captivity? Well, kind of like the question of how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop? 4 years for us. Earlier this year, as I was paying 10 cents per cricket (times 30), which we have been doing on a bi-monthly basis, a young woman asked me about what I was feeding. Long story short, she has had her little lizard for 12 years and is going strong. I didn't think that was a good idea so we set a date in the sand and started working on Ryan. As the so often told story goes, Ryan really didn't do anything for Jerry/Gerri until we reminded him (Ryan, give your lizard some water, etc.) . In addition, since I got done with first semester of summer school, I have been on a tear "simplifying" my life. The fish are gone and now so is the lizard. Ryan was a little upset but he got over it by swimming, sans clothes, in G and G's pool. Oh, the lizard is in G and G's backyard, living with whatever other lizards and other wildlife are back there. He could not go into our backyard due to the lizard killers we have that wander the house and backyard looking for anything that might move (aka, Homer and Kyra, the killer beagles). Ginger, our foster beagle, really doesn't have that trait in her and for the most part, just kind of looks at Homer and Kyra like they are crazy. Although, speaking of Homer and Ginger, Ginger has this odd trait. Frequently, she will walk up to Homer and lick him in a place that no respectable guy is going to complain about. In fact, he will, on occasion, complain when she stops too soon. She had this trait before moving in with us.

I have just signed up for my third class this semester. Yes, I only have 4 classes left. No, I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for it other than it is an evening class and thus, will not interfere with my work schedule and yes, it will just leave me with 1 class in the Spring so I can graduate next May. It will have been a long 3 years (or will I look back on it as a short time?) but I will be happy when I have completed this marvelous goal. Of course, what will I do after that? That is too far in the future to think about. A master's program might be a possibility but still not sure.

Kellie has agreed to let me pick out new living room curtains as she detests the thought of it but feels that it is time for new ones. I politely explained to her, after she tried to tell me what I could not get, that she could either tell me what to do or how to do it but not both. I see royal purple velvet curtains in my future. Along with honey colored bathrooms. Would anyone like to take my wife away for a weekend? Oh, and life is short. If I want something royal purple in my house, then so be it.

Both Isabelle and Ryan have decided that they want to live on campus when they go to college. This is a switch for Isabelle since she has previously stated that she doesn't have any intention on leaving home and planned to take all of her classes online. Ryan, on the other hand, feels that living away from home for college might be pretty good. In addition, he was completely jazzed when I informed him that he could request to live with his best friend.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In Memory Of

I need some help understanding something. Now, when I hear "In Memory Of....", I am well aware, and especially since I am Catholic and "older," of what is coming. Just like we love a good Catholic wedding (I love the 2 hour Catholic wedding and the upcoming wedding reception aka wild party). I also, in a very weird sense, enjoy a Catholic funeral. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to wish anyone any ill will or anything of the sort but I take great comfort in the ceremony that is steeped in tradition. Although I am a strong proponent of cremation, I will almost feel cheated at the prospect of going to a Catholic funeral and not being able to be there for the part of the ceremony where the priest walks around the casket with incense and blesses the casket and body.

Editor's side track note: Check out this video on youtube. I know that it is not a Catholic wedding but I can't help but think that I missed a great party.

It is with this in mind that brings me to my next thought. About 10 or so years ago, I first noticed people putting "In Memory Of...." (and the person that they were close to - child, spouse, etc. that has passed on to the next life) on the back of their vehicle of choice. So, can someone please explain this to me? I completely understand that if someone spent a great deal of time into a vehicle that they lovingly cherished and then passed on. If their survivors of the dearly departed then put "In Loving Memory Of" on the back of that vehicle, that I understand. But to put it on the back of their own car, that I don't understand. Maybe it is something that I can't understand unless I actually go through it (which, by the way, I wouldn't wish upon anyone).

I did see one today and was getting ready to get annoyed (I do that a lot lately, about a lot of stuff - just ask me and I can tell you about all sorts of stuff that annoy me on a daily basis) but once I saw what it was, my annoyance dissipated. The "In Loving Memory Of" was for someone that died in service to our country, defending our Constitutional Rights. Anything that will keep the deeply lasting effects of our current debacle in the forefront of our psyche, then I am all for it (let's not get started on Iraq. Let's just say that we should support our troops but not the politicians that put us in the middle of the wars - and I am still looking for someone to logically explain to me why we went into Iraq).

So, other than this one I saw today, please explain to me why you would put it on your car. Trust me, if I put "In Loving Memory Of" on something, I intend to keep it and revere it. For the most part, cars don't fall into that category for me.

Little things I want to comment on:

1) I saw an interesting article earlier this week about the sexes fighting about the thermostat. I love my wife for many reasons that are too numerous to list here on the website but I can tell you right now that our house is at 82 degrees right now and probably will stay there for a while.

2) I have 4 classes left to graduate. My adviser informed me that I could substitute out a class this coming semester instead of waiting for Spring semester to take it. So, in a fit of insanity, I am signing up for it (another 3 hour evening class once a week). That will leave me with one class this Spring. Please remind me in September why I did what I did. I will say though that I had to get an override to take the class and just from the email, the professor seems really cool and I look forward to an interesting semester with him. Hopefully it won't be like my last 3 hour/1 night a week class where we had maybe 20 people show up (out of 100 students). The times that students did show up, I was privileged to witness one gentleman show up in pajamas (this was an evening class) and another young woman show up in a see through dress that I firmly believe that she did not know was see through. For whatever reason, I have a lot of emotions about it but none of them was "turned on." And for those wanting to know, the professor did tell us at the beginning of the semester that there really was no reason for us to come to class every week - we just needed to turn in the homework online and take the two exams. Kellie asked me if I intended to go to class and my answer was - of course. How could I not go to every minute of that stinkin class? I did get an A+ in the class but that was just as much of a function of the ridiculousness of the class and the way it was setup. I personally was highly disappointed in that I really wanted to enjoy the class (it was an elective that I needed to take).

3) I am cooking this Saturday. Shredded beef tacos (of which my wife's friend Ann cannot duplicate - Ann if you are reading this and want to learn, contact me on Saturday mid-morning and you can come over to learn - better late than never), flan and my niece Sarah recently told me she made the recipe I gave her for black bean and corn salsa that went over well with her friends in D.C. Actually, if anyone reading this wants to learn how to make these recipes with me, I will be happy to spend some time with you teaching you this Saturday. I have gotten rave reviews on my flan recipe.

Again, I hope that this post finds everyone in good health.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Such that is going on

I told myself that I would write more and I have a little free time so I am going to do that now. School is officially over for the summer. Well, at least until August 24th. I officially have 4 classes left, according to my records. I go and see the adviser this coming Monday to get it official.

Got another A at school. Did I tell you that I hated Chemistry? It was a lot of information in a very short period of time. But, I am now on the downslide.

For those of you not nearby, I have been on a kick lately. I have felt so good since finishing school that I cleaned the garage. I have 6 boxes of books to get rid of - anybody want any books? I also cleaned the closet and got rid of a bunch of stuff. Actually, I hit all of my clothes too. If I hadn't worn it in a year, out it went. I am also in the process of taking all of that change that I just have accumulating to the bank to cash it in. I wonder if they will charge me?

I did mention that I need to lose weight. I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill this evening at about a 4 mph clip on an incline. I really need to make myself do that every evening.

The kids went to Vacation Bible School this evening. My son is now freaked out with the story of the passover. It may be a long night.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I have to say I have copied the picture and color scheme from my sister in law Gerri. We went to see Wicked for our very first time last week and have to say we fell in LOVE with the play. Wicked was simply amazing and the music spectacular! One of my favorite songs is what is playing if you have sound with your computer!!! If you have a chance while it is still in Tempe go and see it!!!
Swim Team is coming to a close and my children are brown babies and swim like fish more and more. We also start VBS and who cannot argue happy hour for mom and dad while the kids get some "religion"!!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4 am and Infomercials

I don't know how many of you are up at the hour but the next time that you are, note that for the most part, real tv stops at 4 am. There are a couple of channels that have some old movies or tv shows on but it is at 4 am that the infomercials start. I know this because I frequently am up at 4 am, although I don't want to be. I will occasionally just give it up and go downstairs but the infrequent times that the wife has to be at work at 5 am, I will just turn on the tv upstairs. This was the case for Friday morning. I was either reading the tv guide wrong or they have come up with some interesting titles for infomercials but I ended up starting to watch an infomercial about a cooking device. It could cook anything, was red, and was like a George Foreman grill. The long story short on this was that about the time I started to think that I could really use this, I decided it was time to change the channel and break the spell that I was in. I promptly went back to sleep and I do NOT have one of these grills coming to me in the next few days.

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. Interesting programming note here, Mesa had canceled their fire works due to not enough sponsors. They (the powers that be) are working on it for next year. If you happen to look at the 2010 calendar, you will note that July 4th is on a Sunday. The last time July 4th was on a Sunday, they postponed the fire works until Monday the 5th, of which it promptly rained. The original postponement (Sunday to Monday) was due to religious reasons. I could very well have the terminology wrong and be completely off base here but if Sunday is family day (which I wholeheartedly endorse, spend one day a week with your family as a family and you probably havw a better chance of keeping the family together - I still remember growing up and having family meals). So, if Sunday is family day, wouldn't it be great to take your family to see fire works and actually celebrate the reason that you can practice your religion of choice without fear of persecution? My guess is that they will move the fireworks to Saturday or Monday next year but let's hope not.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chemistry and Life

Here it is and time has flown by. I am hoping to slow down now. I just finished first summer session. Chemistry was a killer. You see, I took it 17 years ago and got a D. ASU looked at my transcript and said that they would substitute 1 of my semesters of biology (I had 2) for Physics but that since I took Chemistry and got a D, I need to take it over. I could have taken it at a community college, theoretically easier content but I would have had to actually go to a lab. Taking it at ASU would be all online, even the lab (side note: I blew up the lab several times). How hard could it be, especially since I had a lab person in the house (my lovely wife) to tutor me? Let's just say that when we said "for better and worse" back in 1997 that neither of us had chemistry in mind. Long story short, I needed 4 points on the final to actually pass the class and a 62 on the final to get a B. I ended up with a 62. I had hoped for more cushion but I will take it, especially since I at least got a C and won't have to take it again. It honestly feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of me.

Izzy went to summer school and although nervous at first, did well and enjoyed it. Since she needed glasses and we didn't really know it, she was behind when we decided to enroll her. Both kids are enjoying swim team although that is rapidly coming to a close, along with the end of summer.

I have another class this summer that I have already started and it is OSHA. I actually looked forward to it as it actually applies to my major.

Now that first summer session (Chemistry and Organizational Effectiveness) is over, I can just concentrate on one class and relax a little bit. I am also cooking this weekend. Shortly here, I am going to make Frog's Eye Salad (Aunt Dolly's recipe). Also this weekend, I plan to make a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups chopped in it (it is a layered cake so it would be between the layers and on top) and peanut butter chips on the side. We had some last weekend but it was dry and I decided I could do it better. Wish me luck.

Now, I just need to lose some weight. My doctor is not real happy about my current weight (the most I have ever weighed in my life) and to be honest, I am not happy with it either. I have decided to do a few things. 1) I learned in the Army that proper diet and exercise were the key. 2) I am borrowing a saying from the 12 steps program (and I really need to start walking at least those 12 steps per day) and take it "one day at a time." No more, well, my day is shot already so what is another piece of cake? Wish me luck.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1st???

I know, it has been awhile since I put anything out here. Actually, June has been consumed with swim team and Tracy is finishing up his first session of summer school. Thank goodness he graduates next year and he will be done with all of this and can have a little more free time! So looking ahead and nothing exciting but everyday life and appointments and then getting ready for vacation and school to start again!

Hope you all are doing well!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cub Scout Graduation May 2009

Ryan's cub scout graduation from May. He is going to be a Webelo now (whatever that means) and enjoys scouts. I think the whole thing of scouts that makes it wonderful for Ryan is Josh H. (the other boy in pix with Ryan). They are best buddies and Josh makes the experience that much better for him!

Daisy Scout graduation...May 2009

I am late on my blogging, but here is Isabelle's Daisy Scout graduation from May. We had a wonderful year in Daisy's with a great bunch of girls and looking forward to being a Brownie!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swim Team!

So summertime for us means school is out and swim team begins! These are photos from last year swim team, but they both did really well. Now it is time to get back into that mode again. By the end of the summer I am a fried momma, from being at the pool for a few hours a couple days a week, but can't complain the kids get exercise and fun at the same time! Happy start to your summer!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Going back in time...First Communion/Confirmation

This is back from April 18th, but forgot to post it....Ryan made his First Holy Communion and Confirmation at St. Bridget's Catholic Church. We are so very proud of him and this accomplishment. All he had to say was that the outfit was "DORKY" ! And if any of you know Ryan, he is a crocs kind of kid and would rather be in comfortable clothes. Also, church hasn't been the most exciting thing he does, but later in life he may come to find a need for his faith and will be happy that he has done these sacraments. I know as a parent, it was important for me to have him do this.
The pictures totally catch Ryan's enthusiasm about the whole deal??? huh?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all my wonderful mommy friends! Or as my kids use to say it when they were little "Mudder's Day". Hope this finds you all having a great day and lots of rest or things that mom wants to do :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Earth Day, just a little late

Yes, I realize that Earth Day was about 2 1/2 weeks ago, but here are some cute pictures of our Earth Day in the neighborhood. Our neighborhood had a ladybug release for Earth day and the kids got their faces painted and then put their hands into a bucket or this wagon above and get HANDFULS of ladybugs to place on a tree or wherever they chose. Madyson (niece) seemed to love them crawling all over her. Very Sweet!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

School Spring Photos

These are our school spring photos.
this is one of our first photos with Isabelle wearing her glasses. I just love the "canned" smiles! They both have beautiful smiles just wish the photographer would catch those!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Goings On

My sister has so politely pointed out that we have not updated in a while and when I looked last night, I have to agree that it has been forever.

Our biggest news is that Ryan got confirmed and received his first Eucharist yesterday (Saturday the 18th). It was a nice ceremony and we are glad that he has reached this milestone in life. It used to be that we would go through Confirmation when we were in 8th grade and then it moved to high school. Now it is in the 3rd grade. The important thing is to consider this not an end but a stepping stone. Ryan did pick St. Francis of Assissi as his saint, which is appropriate since Ryan loves animals. Of course the one thing that I have never heard of for a Confirmation gift is a Ruger 22 Rifle. Nothing says "I love animals and I want St. Francis to help guide me in life" than getting a rifle. We don't plan to shoot animals with it and we definitely are not storing it in the house (it is down at Grandpa's in the gun cabinet) but it is kind of a rite of passage thing.

And just a tangent - I firmly believe that gun control means using both hands and that the gun laws we currently have should be enforced before bringing on more laws, but can anyone explain to me why we don't need a ban on assault rifles? Assault rifles are "fun" to take out to the range and shoot up (at least it was when I was in the Army) but other than that, I don't see a reason that they should be legal. And, most everyone that I talk to about it (mostly gun owners) agree with me that they should not be legal - so, can someone explain it to me?

We have taken on a foster beagle. Her name is Ginger Lynn (all beagles have to have 2 names - it is the law) and she is very sweet. She is a 7 year old red and white beagle and you can check her out on the az beagle rescue site for her bio. She is very sweet. Kyra Sue has has a little bit of adjustment period but at the present time, when we leave, everyone is in "general population" together and so it is going well.

Isabelle is doing better at school since she got her glasses. We do have her enrolled in summer school for math and reading (at the same time, cousin Madyson is going to a pre-kindergarten class). She isn't real keen on it but she is getting better. She will be there with "her Matthew" so she will know at least one person in class.

I have finally figured out that I will graduate in May, 2010. I am finishing up 4 classes this semester, 3 this summer (I am glad that I have Kellie here to tutor me on Chemistry if I need it and the lab is done here at the house and so I believe that all of the kids will be participating in the lab), 2 classes in the fall and then my last 2 next spring. I will be glad to be done and graduate.

It is amazing to me all that is going on in the world and how clueless people are. In fact, at times, I am starting to believe that I must be the one missing something. Okay, so we are in a recession, record unemployment and those that are employed are making less money. So, what do we do? We raise the cost of things. Typically, this is related to the prices of utilities, taxes and another government entity, school. ASU is wanting to institute a $1,200 "economic recovery fee" for next year. Of course, first of all, I don't want to pay it. I don't think that the university has become as lean as they can be (the OMT department appears to be doing a good job of it but I know that there are more changes that can be made). Second of all, they say that this "economic recovery fee" is only temporary. Since when has something like that been temporary? Aren't we still paying taxes that when we voted for it was only supposed to be 10 years or so?

Okay, off of my soapbox. I hope that this post finds everyone in good health and that those that are looking for jobs, I hope you find one soon.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Exciting things going on!

Who can believe it, but the whole family is here and living in Arizona now?? There are boxes and boxes of items, stuff here and stuff there, but they have all arrived and are safe and healthy. My kids are getting a kick out of spending time with their cousin Madyson. Her speech is way to funny and she is adorable.

How lucky are my kids to have grandma and grandpa right down the street. I think all this moving and "love" from the kids is wearing them out, but they are loving it also!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Isabelle got glasses on Friday evening. Don't they look good on her. It makes her look so grown up! I have to say I should have listened when she said she couldn't see in October!!!

CURVE BALLS....don't like 'em

Here's the latest update on the moving situation. My sister went to close on her house yesterday and the people backed out at the closing. The couple who bought her home, the husband died on Saturday and now she doesn't want the house and now the paperwork has to be redone for her name only and will she qualify by herself??? Needless to say that was quite a blow to my family. All of their belongings and on a moving truck and bound for Arizona. So life throws some curve balls and I am not one for the unknown and I am one who likes things nice and neat and go on target as planned. Yes, at 40 I am still that way and should have learned to take it as it comes, but I am resistant. So, I am hoping for the best outcome and a safe trip for the drive out here. If you have any good thoughts or a prayer send it to my sister and the rest of the clan on the move, they sure could use some good thoughts!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Star Trek and Soda

What an odd name for a post but here goes anyway. In college, I used to watch Star Trek, The Next Generation. Never watched any other Star Trek's before or since and in no way do I consider myself a "Trekkie". Well, I have started watching it again, from the beginning, on DVD and lo and behold, Ryan wants to join in. So, together, we are watching Star Trek with Captain Jean-Luc Picard. We plan to go and see the Star Trek exhibit at the Arizona Science Center before it leaves. I don't remember when it ends but my plan is to go sometime in March.

Ah, fountain drinks. Just saying it gives me a sense of calmness. Sadly, I came to the realization some time ago that I really needed to quit them. I tried a few times and always came back (sounds like an addiction and I would have to say that it qualified). Well, I did quit this past Wednesday and my training in addiction (yes, that was a past life) has led me to take it one day at a time. So, I have given up soda for Lent. Typically, I like to do something extra for Lent (pray the rosary more, volunteer, donate, etc.) but this time I went old school and have given it up. I don't know if I will take it up after Lent but who knows. I will just say that that I haven't had any since Tuesday, the day Ryan whacked his head open, and we shall see how it goes. I also am trying to lose weight and they say that just quitting soda will be about 15 pounds in a year so who knows.

One last thing. Several years ago I made it my goal to not to have to get on a plane at the holidays anymore. I am one day closer to that reality. My sister-in-law (and her husband and daughter) had their house packed up yesterday in Indiana and will be coming out here next week with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. They will all be living just down the street from us in a house that my M and F in-law spent 7 weeks renovating and it looks great. Now the next part is, once they get out here, for them to get jobs. In this tough time, I am hoping that it is easier than it sounds. For everyone that is jobless out there that wants to work, our hearts and prayers go to you.

You know, I haven't posted in a while or read the posts (school - 4 classes this semester) but Izzy got her glasses last night. She is very excited and I will let Kellie post about it real soon, after we get a picture.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

OUCH!!!! That has got to hurt!!!!!!!

So last night we were getting ready for bed and as usual out of Ryan comes "one more minute" which the usual response is, Uh...No! So he went running around and went thru the kitchen where Tracy was filling his cup up with ice and somehow ran into the corner of the freezer and busted the side of his head open!!! I was upstairs and all I heard was "Ah, crap" and then crying and Tracy bringing him upstairs and blood running down the side of his head. So thank goodness for our wonderful friend "M"! We called her and all she said was "sure, come on over". She looked him over and cleaned up his cut and he could have gotten a staple but wanted to see if the bleeding would stop and if not then he would get his head stapled! Thank God he stopped bleeding and had a HECK of a headache. Poor guy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Father/Daughter Dance...Date Night

Las Sendas decided to after all have a Father/Daughter dance at the Trailhead and Isabelle and Tracy decided to go. They had a great time! Isabelle loves dressing up and all that goes with it. However, she didn't win the Hula Hoop contest or the Limbo and she was shall we say MAD! She wanted to tell whoever was in charge that they were a stinker!!!!
Ryan and I headed out on our date. He chose Flancer's for dinner. We had a very nice time and he swallowed his meal whole. Not sure if he really even tasted it!!!! IF you haven't been to Flancer's in Mesa, give it a whirl. Great food!
Haven't blogged much. Doesn't seem like a whole lot exciting to write about. Besides the fact that my family could all be here in 2 weeks!!! Cool!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Broken House

My parents bought a house in our neighborhood :) and they have been working on it non-stop since December and now they have it in good enough shape that they are going to head back to Indiana and come back in March! Oh, my sister possibly sold her house and will be arriving in March!!! Exciting! I will have pictures of the "broken" house as soon as my computer wants to cooperate with me (maybe it is the user)!

My children have LOVED having grandma and grandpa around for the past few weeks that I am not sure they are going to like going back to plain old mom and dad!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year/Thee Kings Day!!!

So I am a little late wishing everyone a Happy New Year! We have started the New Year off with bang and the kids are back in school!! :) So here's hoping that your new year is going well (so far) and continues in a happy direction!